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Pyjama Day

Not quite Eggs Florentine

Not quite Eggs Florentine

Bugs are rife at the moment and one day last week I took to my bed (along with a few cats).

I believe in “feed a cold and starve a fever” so wanted a big lunch. I had some leftover veg in the fridge, broccoli, carrots and cabbage so I made a cheese sauce and poached a couple of eggs to go on top of the microwaved vegetables.

I adore the square dish which was a Christmas present so didn’t bother with a plate – no need for elegance when eating with cats!

The Brasserie range from Sabichi.

I had my tea in my latest Emma Bridgewater mug. It is the Christmas 2012 special for the Garden Centre Group and I’m sure it makes everything taste nicer.

I’m pleased to say that whilst I remain overly tired I haven’t come down with anything nasty 🙂